WAD 2022 Artwork Posters

Lost in a Rising Sea Black footed Albatross by Kitty Harvill after a photograph by Koa Matsuoka shrunk


The Albatross and Petrel Agreement chose the theme “Climate Change” to mark the third World Albatross Day celebrated on 19 June 2022.  This follows the inaugural theme “Eradicating Island Pests” in 2020 and “Ensuring Albatross-friendly Fisheries" last year.

The featured species chosen for 2022 are two of the three species of albatrosses that breed in the North Pacific: the Black-footed Phoebastria nigripes and the Laysan P. immutabilis.  Both these globally Near Threatened albatrosses have most of their breeding populations on the low-lying atolls of the USA’s North-Western Hawaiian Islands.  These atolls - and their breeding seabirds - are all at risk from predicted sea level rise and increases in the number and severity of storms that result in flooding, both considered a consequence of climate change.  Storm floods have even caused at least one small sandy islet to disappear into the sea, losing breeding sites for several thousand albatross pairs (click here); elsewhere in the island chain, as on Midway Atoll, storms have caused flooding of albatross nests and loss of chicks close to the shore.

ACAP’s WAD poster designer, Michelle Risi, now based on Aldabra Atoll for two years after an extended stay on Gough Island, has produced eight posters featuring selected artworks produced by Artists and Biologists Unite for Nature (ABUN) in a collaboration with ACAP for World Albatross Day 2022.  The high-resolution artwork posters in English, French and Spanish have been made freely available below for printing during the build up to World Albatross Day on 19 June.  ACAP requests it be acknowledged in their use for conservation purposes.  They should not be used for financial gain.

View 12 photo posters in the three official ACAP languages produced by Michelle Risi for WAD2022.

With thanks to Michelle Risi and ABUN artists Flávia Barreto, Georgia Feild, Kitty Harvill, Grace Innemee, Virginia Nicol, Ilana Nimz, Tatiana Petrova and Andrea Siemt, as well as to photographers Laurie Smaglick Johnson, Koa Matsuoka, J.A. Soriano and Lindsay Young.

John Cooper, ACAP Information Officer, updated 03 July 2022


English Posters

Black-footed Albatrosses

Black footed Albatross by Grace Innemee

Art Poster Lost in a Rising Sea Black footed Albatross by Kitty Harvill after a photograph by Koa Matsuoka



Art Poster Black footed Albatross fledgling by Virginia Nicol after a photograph by J.A. Soriano1

 Laysan Albatross

Sunday Boy Laysan Albatross by Flávia Barreto after a photograph by Laura Smaglick Johnson 


Translocated Laysan Albatross chick by Ilana Nimz1

 Laysan Albatross by Andrea Siemt after a photograph by Laurie Smaglick Johnson1


Laysan Albatrosses by Tatiana Petrova

Laysan Albatross by Georgia Feild after a photograph by Lindsay Young2

French Posters

Fr Black footed Albatross by Grace Innemee French

Fr Lost in a Rising Sea Black footed Albatross by Kitty Harvill after a photograph by Koa Matsuoka French

Fr Black footed Albatross fledgling by Virginia Nicol after a photograph by J.A. Soriano French2

 Fr Sunday Boy Laysan Albatross by Flávia Barreto after a photograph by Laurie Smaglick Johnson French

Fr Translocated Laysan Albatross chick by Ilana Nimz French

Fr Laysan Albatross by Andrea Siemt after a photograph by Laurie Smaglick Johnson French

Fr Laysan Petrova

Fr Laysan Albatross by Georgia Feild after a photograph by Lindsay Young French

Spanish Posters

Sp Black footed Albatross by Grace Innemee Spanish

 Sp Lost in a Rising Sea Black footed Albatross by Kitty Harvill after a photograph by Koa Matsuoka Spanish

Sp Black footed Albatross fledgling by Virginia Nicol after a photograph by J.A. Soriano Spanish

Sp Sunday Boy Laysan Albatross by Flávia Barreto after a photograph by Laurie Smaglick Johnson Spanish

Sp Translocated Laysan Albatross chick by Ilana Nimz Spanish

Sp Laysan Albatross by Andrea Siemt after a photograph by Laurie Smaglick Johnson Spanish

Sp Laysan Albatrosses by Tatiana Petrova Spanish

Sp Field


The Agreement on the
Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels

ACAP is a multilateral agreement which seeks to conserve listed albatrosses, petrels and shearwaters by coordinating international activity to mitigate known threats to their populations.

About ACAP

ACAP Secretariat

119 Macquarie St
Hobart TAS 7000

Email: secretariat@acap.aq
Tel: +61 3 6165 6674