Papers are invited for presentation at the Island Invasives 2026 Conference, in the form of either a talk or a poster. The conference is to be held in Tāmaki Makaurau, Aotearoa New Zealand over 9-13 February 2026. It is the fourth conference in the series that commenced in Auckland in 2001.
“Papers may be submitted on any topic relating to invasive alien species on islands, where the term ‘island’ is broadly interpreted in terrestrial, marine and freshwater systems. The invasive species involved may be flora, fauna or funga. The goal of the conference is knowledge transfer that enables accelerated uptake of eradication methodologies which will enhance biodiversity and the lives of people on islands around the world. The conference continues its resolute focus on the complete eradication of invasive species of any taxa from islands or island-like bodies.”
Click here to submit, and please review the submission guidelines carefully before submitting your abstract.
John Cooper, Emeritus Information Officer, Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels, 11 March 2025