The Eighth Meeting of the ACAP's Seabird Bycatch Working Group (SBWG8) got underway yesterday in Wellington, New Zealand. Under the joint chair of Convenor Anton Wolfaardt and Igor Debski and Sebastián Jiménez as SBWG Vice Convenors, the meeting spent most of the day discussing best-practice mitigation advice in both longline and trawl fisheries, supported by a number of submitted papers.
A portfolio of some of the participants attending SBWG8 follows.
SBWG participants gather in the meeting room in the CQ Hotel before the first day of a three-day meeting gets underway.
Jonathon Barrington (Australia) points and wags fingers simultaneously leaving Barry Baker (Australia) seemingly unmoved.
Meeting chairs Igor Debski (New Zealand), Anton Wolfaardt (UK) and Sebastián Jiménez (Uruguay) get themselves set up at the "top table"
Meeting chairs Sebastián Jiménez (Uruguay), Anton Wolfaardt (UK) and Igor Debski (New Zealand), get SBWG8 underway
Well done New Zealand: running an eco-friendly meeting with glass containers and not a single-use plastic water bottle in sight
Graham Robertson (Australia) and Andrés Domingo (Uruguay) at morning tea break
Johan de Goede (South Africa) explains a point to Barbara Weinecke (Australia)
Janice Molloy (New Zealand) with Nigel Brothers (Australia) and Hannah Nevins (USA)
Anton Wolfaardt (SBWG Convenor, South Africa) and Yukiko Inoue (Japan) enjoy a conversation
The meeting room has been well set up with audio-visual equipment
Photographs by John Cooper.
John Cooper, ACAP Information Officer, 05 September 2017