The Brazilian NGO Projeto Albatroz has produced the first issue of its new publication Boletim Técnico Científíco do Projeto Albatroz.
Vol. 1, No.1 dated 2014 contains technical and scientific papers dealing with the conservation of albatrosses and petrels written in Portuguese. The 53-page bulletin covers the development of measures for reducing seabird bycatch in fisheries as well as medical issues relating to rehabilitation. The issue’s Editorial has been written by Tatiana Neves, the Coordinator of Projeto Albatroz and the four individual articles, which are illustrated with photographs, maps and graphs, are referenced with a single combined bibliography of 47 titles.
Banded Tristan Albatross from Gough Island at sea off South America, photograph by Martin Abreu
The article titles follow in Portuguese:
Estimativa damortalidade de aves marinhas por interação coma pesca industrial de espinhel pelágico do sudeste e sul do Brasil
Estado de conservação das principais espécies de albatrozes e petréis que interagemcoma pesca de espinhel no Brasil
Medidas Mitigadoras: A evolução na forma de reduzir a captura de aves marinhas no Brasil e no mundo
A Medicina da Conservação como ferramenta para a conservação de Albatrozes e Petréls
John Cooper, ACAP Information Officer, 04 April 2015