Wisdom’s son N333 is incubating an egg once more
N333, son of Wisdom, broods its second known hatchling in February 2023, photograph by Catie Mahon, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Volunteer Wisdom’s (the world’s oldest known Laysan Albatross Phoebastria immutabilis) first banded chick fledged from...
Wisdom, the world’s oldest known Laysan Albatross, is a grandmother once again
Wisdom’s son, red N333, broods its second hatchling in February 2023, photograph by Catie Mahon, USFWS While searching on Sand Island, Midway Atoll for the highly invasive Golden Crownbeard Verbesina encelioides U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service...
Wisdom’s "grandchick" gets a meal – watch the video!
N333 broods its chick; photograph by Daniel Rapp ACAP Latest News has regularly reported over the last decade or so on Wisdom, the world’s oldest-known Laysan Albatross Phoebastria immutabilis, who at the age of at least 70 continues to visit and breed...
Wisdom, the world’s oldest known albatross, gets a grandchick
Wisdom's 2011 chick, marked with band number N333, survived the March 2011 tsunami on Midway Atoll and was sighted the first time on a nest of its own in December 2021, photograph by Dan Rapp Wisdom, a female Laysan Albatross Phoebastria immutabilis...
Laysan Albatrosses Wisdom and Akeakamai are taking a gap year
59 years old. The "youngster," who has not been given a name but bears a red and white color band with the unique code of "N333" was first spotted at the same location in March 2018 but has not yet been observed on a nest. We know that albatrosses tend...
**UPDATE** Pacific Seabird Group Conference in Hawaii in February 2012 calls for abstracts
one chick- that of Wisdom, Midway's "celebrity" albatross. Wisdom wears a red color band Z333: her chick was banded with red N333". (click here for photo). The Midway trip will last nine days. A second conference field trip will be a day excursion to...