ACAP Latest News

Read about recent developments and findings in procellariiform science and conservation relevant to the Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels in ACAP Latest News.

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More Short-tailed Albatross sightings on the USA’s Kure Atoll

On 24 December last year the Hawaiian Department Land and Natural Resources (DNLRfield crew on Kure Atoll in the USA’s North-western Hawaiian Islands photographed an immature Short-tailed Albatross Phoebastria albatrus (foreground in photograph below) visiting the nest site of the well-known female-female pair.

The partially-obscured golden-headed bird appears to be a decoy 

This pair has been present on Kure since 2010 when observations began (click here).  Two eggs are laid in the same nest each year but do not hatch. The resident albatross incubating on the nest (banded 13A-1456) in the photo is the youngest of the pair.  She was banded in 2000 as a chick.  Her female partner (banded 13A-0703), who was then away at sea foraging after taking the previous incubation shift, was banded in 1993.  This is considered a promising sign that the six recently installed Short-tailed Albatross decoys may have played a role in attracting the new bird.

The Kure crew sighted a second new Short-tailed Albatross on the atoll on 10 January this year (below).   The bird is an immature with predominantly brown plumage and a pink bill.

The Short-tailed Albatross below photographed in flight over the atoll is in an intermediate plumage and is one of the regular visitors to Kure.

There are only six other records of individual Short-tailed Albatrosses on Kure, although some of these may be of resightings.

As for other albatross breeding sites in the Hawaiian Islands (click here), Kure Atoll is also having a bumper breeding season in 2014/15.

With acknowledgement to the Kure Atoll Conservancy Facebook Page for information and photographs. 

John Cooper, ACAP Information Officer, 24 January 2015

Nine species of ACAP-listed albatrosses and petrels visit a marine reserve in southern Brazil

Bianca Vieira (Centro Nacional de Pesquisa e Conservação de Aves Silvestres, Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservação da Biodiversidade, Brazil) and colleagues have written in Check List (an online journal of biodiversity data) on bird surveys conducted within Brazil’s Arvoredo Marine Biological Reserve.  A total of 17 procellariiform birds was  recorded at sea within the reserve, among them nine species of ACAP-listed albatrosses and petrels.

The paper’s abstract follows:

“The Arvoredo Marine Biological Reserve (RBMA) is a protected area in southern Brazil created in 1990 to safeguard the marine biodiversity of the Arvoredo Archipelago.  There are only few studies about bird assemblage in most of the Brazilian coastal islands, including this protected area.  Therefore, this paper presents the first complete list of birds for RBMA based on data from literature and surveys between 1986 and 2012 on islands and surrounding waters.  Birds were recorded during captures using mist-nets and opportunistic observations on land in January 2012, as well as in monthly strip-transects and sectors on sea between 2010 and 2012.  The present list includes 84 species (15 captured) from primary data and 22 species from other sources, totaling 106 species from 37 families.  Bird assemblage in the RBMA is composed by 44 aquatic birds and 62 landbirds, whereas 13 are endemic to the Atlantic Forest and 12 are threatened.  As expected due to the diversity of habitats, Arvoredo and Galé Islands supported the richest assemblages in the RBMA.  The number of species in the whole RBMA is smaller than bigger islands elsewhere in the Atlantic Forest domain, but similar to same-sized and same-habitat ones.  Our results highlight the importance of this reserve as a suitable and isolated habitat to forest species.  Deserta Island is an important site for nesting, resting, and foraging seabirds.”

Black-browed Albatross, photograph by John Larsen


Vieira, B.P, Dias, D., Rocha, H.J.F. & Serafini, P.P. 2015.  Birds of the Arvoredo Marine Biological Reserve, southern Brazil.  Check List 11.  DOI:

John Cooper, ACAP Information Officer, 24 January 2015

Feeling a bit lousy: Critically Endangered Waved Albatrosses carry critically co-endangered lice

Lajos Rózsa (MTA-ELTE-MTM Ecology Research Group, Budapest, Hungary) and Zoltán Vas have published in the journal Oryx on the conservation of parasitic lice, including Docophoroides levequei and Perineus oblongus that are only known from the Critically Endangered Waved Albatross Phoebastria irrorata.

Waved Albatross, photograph by Kate Huyvaert

The paper’s abstract follows

“The co-extinction of parasitic taxa and their host species is considered a common phenomenon in the current global extinction crisis.  However, information about the conservation status of parasitic taxa is scarce.  We present a global list of co-extinct and critically co-endangered parasitic lice (Phthiraptera), based on published data on their host-specificity and their hosts’ conservation status according to the IUCN Red List.  We list six co-extinct and 40 (possibly 41) critically co-endangered species.  Additionally, we recognize 2–4 species that went extinct as a result of conservation efforts to save their hosts.  Conservationists should consider preserving host-specific lice as part of their efforts to save species.”

Want to know of more albatross lice?  If so, click here.


Rózsa, L. & Vas, Z.  2015.  Co-extinct and critically co-endangered species of parasitic lice, and conservation-induced extinction: should lice be reintroduced to their hosts?  Oryx 49: 107-110.

John Cooper, ACAP Information Officer, 23 January 2015

One-eyed albatrosses can make it through life

"In the country of the blind, the one-eyed man is king" (Wells 1904).

Albatrosses, like most wild animals, are presumed not to be able to survive for any length of time with serious injuries or disabilities.  There are exceptions: I have seen an otherwise healthy-looking adult Wandering Albatross Diomedea exulans ashore at Marion Island with one foot bent so far back such that it had to hobble on top of its web.  Of course, a broken wing that stopped flight for an albatross would soon be fatal; as, you might imagine would be any problem with eye sight.  However, it seems some individual albatrosses are able to survive with only one functional eye as the following examples for three species show.

An adult Laysan Albatross Phoebastria immutabilis blind in its left eye was photographed in the north-east of Kauai, one of the USA’s Hawaiian Islands last year (click here).  The bird has been observed courting on a private property over the last two breeding seasons but not as yet commenced breeding.  The otherwise healthy-looking bird also had its upper and lower mandibles slightly misaligned and a distorted skull.  It is thought that the blindness could have been caused by avian pox contracted from mosquitoes when the albatross was a young chick – which would mean it had survived for several years with one good eye.

One-eyed Laysan Albatross on Kauai, photograph by Hob Osterlund

A White-capped Albatross Thalassarche steadi seen to be blind on its left side was photographed off Kaikoura, New Zealand by the tourist company, Albatross Encounter last December, with pictures placed on its Facebook Page.  The bird appeared to be healthy and based on previous sightings had survived for some time.

One-eyed White-capped Albatross off Kaikoura, New Zealand, November 2014

Upper photo showing the bird's blind eye, lower the good eye, courtesy of Albatross Encounter 

Another White-capped Albatross with a blind eye was seen off New Zealand’s Stewart Island by Brent Stephenson recently on a sea-watching “pelagic” trip.

Brent also reports to ACAP Latest News of a Chatham Albatross T. eremita seen on 19 August 2006 in "OK condition" alongside a small fishing vessel off Gisborne, New Zealand which was blind in its left eye.

Chatham Albatross showing its blind eye, photograph by Brent Stephenson

Less fortunate was a totally blind Tristan Albatross D. dabbenena chick on Gough Island in 2012 that, although able to be fed and exercise its wings, eventually drowned in a stream near its nest site before fledging (click here).  The bird was described as having one pale blue eye with the other closed.

With thanks to Hob Osterlund and Brent Stephenson for information and photographs.


Wells, H.G. 1904.  The country of the blind.  The Strand Magazine, April 1904.

John Cooper, ACAP Information Officer, 21 January 2015

One-way trip: a banded Atlantic Yellow-nosed Albatross gets recovered on a Brazilian beach

A colour-banded Atlantic Yellow-nosed Albatross Thalassarche chlororhynchos was found dead on a beach near Cachoeira do Bom Jesus, Florianópolis Island, Brazil on 21 September 2014.


The beached albatross and its colour band, photographs by Fernando Farias

According to a report recently received from SAFRING the bird was banded as an adult with plastic colour band Red B91 and South African Bird Ringing Unit (SAFRING) metal band 8-79025 near Hottentot Gulch on Tristan da Cunha in the mid-South Atlantic on 11 October 2009.  The distance between banding and recovery localities is 3538 km, with an elapsed time of four years and 11 months (1806 days).

Atlantic Yellow-nosed Albatrosses regularly occur in Brazilian waters (click here).

With thanks to Dane Paijmans, SAFRING, South Africa and Fernando Farias and Patricia Pereira Serafini, CEMAVE, Brazil for information and photographs.

John Cooper, ACAP Information Officer, 20 January 2015

The Agreement on the
Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels

ACAP is a multilateral agreement which seeks to conserve listed albatrosses, petrels and shearwaters by coordinating international activity to mitigate known threats to their populations.

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