PaCSWG7 Information Papers

pdf PaCSWG7 Inf 01: Population assessment of White-capped Albatrosses SUMMARY

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PaCSWG7_Inf_01 White-capped albatross population BAKER et al_SUMMARY.pdf

Agenda Item 5.1. Barry Baker et al.

Population assessment of White-capped Albatrosses Thalassarche steadi in New Zealand.

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pdf PaCSWG7 Inf 02: Vocal activity and temporal patterns in White-chinned Petrels SUMMARY

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PaCSWG7_Inf_02_WCPVocalActivity&TemporalPatterns_LINARES et al_SUMMARY.pdf

Agenda Item 7.1. Carlos G. Linares et al.

Monitoring vocal activity and temporal patterns in attendance of White-chinned Petrels using bioacoustics.

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pdf PaCSWG7 Inf 03: Phthalate esters (plasticizers) in seabirds SUMMARY

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PaCSWG7_Inf_03_Phthalates in seabirds_VANSTREELS et al_SUMMARY.pdf

Agenda Item 6.2 Ralph E.T. Vanstreels et al.

Phthalate esters (plasticizers) in the uropygial gland and their relationship to plastics ingestion in seabirds along the coast of Espirito Santo, eastern Brazil.

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pdf PaCSWG7 Inf 04 Rev 1: High-pathogenicity H5N1 avian influenza

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PaCSWG7_Inf_04_Rev_1 H5N1 avian influenza_SERAFINI et al.pdf

Agenda Item 6.3. Patricia Pereira Serafini et al.

The southward spread of high-pathogenicity H5N1 avian influenza and its implications for ACAP species.

pdf PaCSWG7 Inf 05: The Mouse-Free Marion Project

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PaCSWG7_Inf_05 Mouse-Free Marion Project.pdf

Agenda Item 6.1.  Anton Wolfaardt, Azwianewi Makhado.


pdf PaCSWG7 Inf 06: Gough Island Restoration Programme SUMMARY

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PaCSWG7_Inf_06 GoughIslandProgramme_SUMMARY.pdf

Agenda Item 6.1. Sophie Thomas et al.

Update on the Gough Island Restoration Programme.

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pdf PaCSWG7 Inf 07: Cryptic population decrease supports need for eradication SUMMARY

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PaCSWG7_Inf_07 EradicationToImproveAlbatrossPop_OPPEL et al_SUMMARY.pdf

Agenda Item 6.1.  Steffen Oppel et al.

Cryptic population decrease due to invasive species predation in a long-lived seabird supports need for eradication.

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pdf PaCSWG7 Inf 08: Local-scale impacts of extreme events in top predator populations SUMMARY

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PaCSWG7_Inf_08 ImpactOfExtremeEventsOnPredators_VENTURA et al_SUMMARY.pdf

Agenda Item 6.1. Francesco Ventura et al.

Local-scale impacts of extreme events drive demographic asynchrony in neighbouring top predator populations.

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pdf PaCSWG7 Inf 09: Northern Royal Albatross population estimates Chatham Islands

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PaCSWG7_Inf_09_Northern Royal pop estimates.pdf

Agenda Item 5.1. Peter Frost et al.

Northern Royal Albatross population estimates from the Chatham Islands.

pdf PaCSWG7 Inf 10: Southern Buller’s Albatross population study

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PaCSWG7_Inf_10 Southern Buller's Albatross population study.pdf

Agenda Item 5.1.  David Thompson et al.

Southern Buller’s Albatross population study highlights declines in adults survival.

pdf PaCSWG7 Inf 11: Southern Royal Albatross research on Campbell Island

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PaCSWG7_Inf_11 Southern Royal Albatross rapid survey.pdf

Agenda Item 5.1. Claudia Mischler et al.

Southern Royal Albatross research on Campbell Island/Motu Ihupuku 2023.


pdf PaCSWG7 Inf 12: Update to the risk assessment for New Zealand seabirds

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PaCSWG7_Inf_12 Risk assessment for NZ seabirds update.pdf

Agenda Item 4.1.  Charles Edwards et al.

pdf PaCSWG7 Inf 13: Collaborative solutions for light pollution affecting seabirds

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PaCSWG7_Inf_13 Light pollution Chile.pdf

Agenda Item 6.1. Valentina Colodro Mailer et al.

pdf PaCSWG7 Inf 14: Education for sustainability program

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PaCSWG7_Inf_14 Education for sustainability program.pdf

Agenda Item 10.  Montserrat Lara Sutulov.

Island partnership to develop an education for sustainability program.

pdf PaCSWG7 Inf 15: Pink-footed Shearwaters on Isla Mocha, Chile SUMMARY

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PaCSWG7_Inf_15 Pink-footed pop on Isla Mocha_SUMMARY.pdf

Agenda Item 5.1. Ryan D. Carle et al.

Breeding population of Pink-footed Shearwaters on Isla Mocha, Chile.

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pdf PaCSWG7 Inf 16: Population genomics of Shy and White-capped Albatross SUMMARY

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PaCSWG7_Inf_16 PopGenomicsShy&White-cappedAlbatross_MaCDONALD et al_SUMMARY.pdf

Agenda Item 5. Anna J MacDonald et al.

Population genomics of Shy and White-capped Albatross: understanding management units and developing tools for bycatch identification.

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The Agreement on the
Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels

ACAP is a multilateral agreement which seeks to conserve listed albatrosses, petrels and shearwaters by coordinating international activity to mitigate known threats to their populations.

About ACAP

ACAP Secretariat

119 Macquarie St
Hobart TAS 7000

Tel: +61 3 6165 6674