The International Polar Year Oslo Science Conference will be held over 8-12 June 2010 in Oslo Norway.
The deadline for abstracts is 20 January 2010.
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"The IPY Oslo Science Conference will gather the full polar community to celebrate the remarkable accomplishments of International Polar Year 2007-2008, to display and explore the richness of IPY data, and to chart future directions for polar and global science."
Abstracts are invited for oral and poster presentation within the following main themes of the conference programme:
Linkages between Polar Regions and global systems
- Past, present and future changes in Polar Regions
- Polar ecosystems and biodiversity
- Human dimensions of change: health, society and resources
- New frontiers, data practices, and directions in polar research
- Polar science education, outreach and communication
John Cooper, ACAP Information Officer, 19 January 2010