The Seabird Group will hold its 11th International Conference next month from 2-4 September at the University of Plymouth in Plymouth, United Kingdom. The programme for the conference is now available on-line.
Several oral and poster papers will be presented on albatrosses and on "ACAP-candidate" shearwaters as listed by title and authors below:
Oral papers:
Thierry Boulinier: Extraordinary long persistence of maternal antibodies in a long lived seabird: implications from albatross conservation to comparative immunology.
Richard Phillips: Dispersal patterns of fledglings and implications for the development of individual migration strategies in Wandering Albatrosses. [Diomedea exulans]
Russell Wynn: Intensive monitoring provides new insights into key flyways and foraging areas of the Balearic Shearwater in UK and French waters. [Puffinus mauretanicus]
Cowen, H.C., Oppel, S.O., Hervias, S.H., Oliveira, N.O., Geraldes, P.G., van Heezik, Y.H. & Brooke, M.B.: How to measure cat activity in shearwater colonies to explain variation in Cory's Shearwater nest survival? [Calonectris diomedea]
Guilford, T.C., Wynn, R., McMinn, M., Rodriguez, .A, Jones, A.R., Maurice, L.D. & Suberg, L.: Migratory movements of the Critically Endangered Balearic Shearwater revealed by geolocator tracking. [Puffinus mauretanicus]
Oppel. S., Raine, A.F., Borg, J.J., Raine, H., Bonnaud, .E, Bourgeois, K. & Breton, A.R.: Low adult survival probabilities threaten the Yelkouan Shearwater Puffinus yelkouan.
Reyes, J.M., Phillips, R.A. & Gonzalez-Solís. J.: Activity patterns of pelagic seabirds during the nonbreeding period.
The plenary lecture will be given by Bob Furness of the University of Glasgow in Scotland entitled "Seabird responses to environmental change: insights from 30 years of PhD supervision."
John Cooper, ACAP Information Officer, 16 August 2011