FAME - Future of the Atlantic Marine Environment - is an international project which aims to help conserve the Atlantic marine environment. The FAME Project brings together five countries (France, Ireland, Portugal, Spain and the United Kingdom) "which have an interest, knowledge and expertise in the marine environment, ranging from seabird tracking and monitoring to mapping, data analysis and engagement with the offshore renewable energy and fisheries sectors".
Since 2010 as part of the FAME Project Cory's Shearwaters Calonectris diomedea (a potential candidate species for ACAP listing) breeding in the Berlengas Archipelago eight kilometres off the coast of Portugal have been tagged with GPS loggers (click here for details). More birds are being tagged this year (20 in May and 20 more come September).
The Berlengas Archipelago has been declared a marine Important Bird Area ( IBA), and is currently home to the last remaining seabird colonies in mainland Portugal.
John Cooper, ACAP Information Officer, 8 June 2011